ELEVATED Workshops

Diverse leadership

“Join me in looking beneath the surface & beyond the obvious. Let us look at the ordinary in an extra-
ordinary way; daring ourselves to see the other side and subjecting our points of view to scrutiny.

Let us question, challenge, ponder… Let us ELEVATE.”

All Workshops Include Complimentary Consultation

Courses & Training

Mindful SELF-CARE Practices to De-STRESS and ELEVATE Your Life

Methodology - You Receive:

- Self assessment tools
- 3 months of Self-care Excellence and Tools to start and maintain your new habit.
- Personal BEST Action Plan
Expected Outcome:

- Reduced stress and increased personal fulfillment
- Enhanced personal effectiveness and sense of control in your personal and professional life
- Guilt-free clarity, focus, and achievement of goals

Mindfulness, Self-reflection, and Critical Thinking to Help Black youth Succeed in School and Life

Expected Outcome will be tools and skills that are transferrable to all areas of life and enhanced

- Personal effectiveness and Self-regulation
- Self-compassion and Decision making
- Work habits and Learning skills
- Self-identity and Confidence

Mindful LIFE ALIGNMENT: How To Consistently Live and Lead with Your Values

Methodology - You Receive:

- Self assessment tools
- 3 months of Personal Effectiveness Tools to start and maintain your new habit..
- Personal BEST Action Plan
Expected Outcome: Life Alignment so you Live and lead with your values

- Greater understanding of your authentic self and how to leverage your strength to achieve your goals
- Greater clarity and focus in all aspects of your life
- Integration of your values and principles to facilitate proven effective practices of success in both your personal and professional life.
- Greater clarity, focus, and achievement of goals
- Less stress and a more holistic and fulfilling life

Leadership the RITE Way

Acquire the understanding of how to build an organization culture that’s supportive, engaging and productive by understanding the perceptual, institutional, and psychological factors that impact the ways people interact with each other.

How Practising Personal Reflection & Mindfulness Can ELEVATE your Life & Leadership

Learn the art and receive the tools to maximize your personal and leadership effectiveness through the practice of personal reflection and mindfulness. This interactive session will equip you with the hands-on skills to have reflective insights into your values, disposition and learnt behaviors through personal reflections and shared deliberations with your peers. Teas/Coffee & Personal Learning Journal included

The Principles & Practices Of ELEVATED Leadership

ELEVATED Leadership Training provides leaders with the information tools and resources to: Identify and examine your leadership disposition/style and how to optimize it to achieve your personal and professional goals. Identify and utilize best practices to establish your personal and professional culture of wellness, engagement, inspiration and excellence. Inspire open and effective communication, collaboration and creativity. Achieve your Personal BEST and in so doing maximize your full potential, productivity, and that of your team.

How To Increase Mental Wellness Using Personal Reflection and Mindfulness

Reduce stress & anxiety Improve clarity Increase productivity Achieve goals

Benefits Of Membership:

Membership & workshops
comming soon

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